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Remote I/O control and monitoring over the Ethernet

Hwg Poseidon 3268

We would like to introduce the monitoring and control product called Poseidon2 3268 which can be connected to the LAN, reads measurements, and stores the measurements in its internal memory (data logger). I/O can be controlled over the Ethernet. Relay outputs can be controlled over the Web, or according to the value of a connected sensor (“IP Thermostat” or “IP Hygrostat” mode).

When a value is out of a specified range, Poseidon2 sends an e-mail, an SNMP Trap, or a text message (SMS). Text messages can be sent without any additional software through a single central gateway, the HWg-SMS-GW3 (optional device). Just a single SIM card can serve all your devices connected to one network.

The device can be accessed over the web interface, through the online portals based on SensDesk Technology or using a SensDesk Mobile app (Android, iPhone).

For data collection and monitoring, we recommend our HWg-PDMS application that displays graphs and exports data to MS Excel. For “IF-THEN” event management (e.g. “If one out of 10 devices fails, send an SMS to the admin”), we provide the “HWg-Trigger” application for Windows.

Poseidon2 3268 can be connected to various third-party applications or cloud services using various protocols (SNMPv3, Modbus/TCP, XML, HWg-Push).

Applications and usage: 

  • Temperature alarms and a thermostat in IT

  • Switching HVAC / ventilation in a cabinet

  • Remote I/O control and monitoring over the Ethernet

  • Surveilance systems

  • Industrial applications

  • Cooler and freezer monitoring + alarm indication

  • Temperature and other measurements in a cloud

  • Online web portal + mobile app

  • Smart buildings

Poseidon2 3268 supports up to 8 sensors connected over 1-Wire UNI / 1-Wire and up to 4 detectors connected to digital inputs. Poseidon2 3268 can control 2 digital NO/NC relay outputs, as well as up to 8 virtual digital outputs (VDO) at remote Poseidon2 or Damocles2 units (M2M).

A built-in web server is used for configuring. The device can be monitored remotely over the internet using any SensDesk Technology portal in combination with the SensDesk Mobile application for iOS and Android. It works with HWg-PDMS and HWg-Trigger.

Poseidon2 devices are designed to monitor and control sensors and digital I/O over the network using secure M2M protocols (HTTPs, IPv6, SNMPv3). With support for over 50 SNMP and SCADA applications, Poseidon2 devices can be integrated in a wide range of monitoring and control systems. MQTT protocol enables integration in IoT solutions.



  • 8x 1-Wire UNI/1-Wire Input; 4x Digital Input; Data Logger for more than 250.000 records; Digital Inputs feature 32-bit S0 pulse counters that retain their value even if the power fails

  • 2x Relay Output NO/NC; 8x Virtual Digital Output

  • 5x SNMP Trap; 5x E-mail; 5x "SMS+Ring" (via external GSM gateway or modem)

  • MQTT compatibility allows connecting to IoT Hub, MS Azure, Bluemix Internet of Things and other cloud services.

  • Connected via LAN. Configuration via built-in web server.

  • A sensor value out of a set safe range as well as a DI state change sends an alert by e-mail, SMS, SNMP Trap, or activates a remote relay at another Poseidon2 of Damocles2 unit.

  • For Ring or SMS alarm use the HWg-Trigger software (external GSM modem required), or a HWg-SMS-GW3 gateway in the same LAN.

  • Virtual Digital Outputs (VDO) can be mapped to physical digital outputs (relays) of other Poseidon2 or Damocles2 units on the same LAN.

  • With the HWg-PDMS software, S0 pulses can be converted to cost per time period and exported to MS Excel.

  • Compatible with a range of third party SW (SCADA etc.). Examples for programmers on using the product are available in the HWg-SDK (Borland C++, MS Visual, VB, C#, PHP, JAVA and more).


You can use our free of charge cloud software

Or you can use professional build clould software platform

9 reasons for paying the portal

  1. All the Sensors, DI and DO of the company (Team) are displayed on a single screen. Even the sensors connected via GSM or LTE are included.

  2. An email about a power or air conditioning failure (temperature problems) at a remote branch is delivered to the service department in time. If an email is not sufficient, a person currently in service is called and an SMS is delivered to the responsible.

  3. A PDF report with an overview of delivered services is added to the monthly invoice issued by the IT company to verify that the services were provided properly. 

  4. A drug-store in a hospital monitors the storage of medicines and archives the Gamp5 report for supervisory authorities. 

  5. Within few minutes, the owner of the company is informed by an SMS and a Voice call that there is probably a water accident in the building and first drops of water appeared on a detection cable. 

  6. Thanks to multi-graphs, multiple values in a single graph can be monitored and can help to reveal relationships among individual events (e.g., a higher temperature in a server room + an open door / or a higher temperature in a server room + a higher temperature in the entire building -> possible failure of the central air conditioning unit ...)

  7. Thanks to an open API (SNMP + XML), the portal can be integrated into third-party (corporate) systems and can thus increase the efficiency.

  8. You can have 2 years of data history, compare historical data easily.

  9.  Our support covers both hardware and software (service) together.

If you are interested to learn more , please dont hesitate to contact us and we will provide more information

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